Suaolf of mista aud IX!ellow frultfulneaa!
Olose bosom-ft·iend of the maturing &UA;
CoWlpiring with him how to load 1\nd bless
Wtth fruit, theviues tbu.t round tbetbutch-ea.vearun
To bend wit\1 appl~s the moJ:~s\1 cottag~:-treea,
And fill all fruit with ripenea.1 to the cot·e ;
T o swell the lo(OUN.i, and plump the hazelahella
With a sweet kernel ;"to aet bud.ling IXlore,.
.And still more, htter flowers for tbe bee&,
Uutil they think warm d.ays will never ceaee 1
For au.mmer has o'e.r-brimm'd their c:Lunm_y ~
Who hath not aeen thee o~ beneath. thy llt<u'e 1
Sometimes whoever eeeks ab1•oad 1Xl81 find.
Thee aitling coreless on a gr~nary floo~
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wi.Qd;
As ou a half-rellp'd furrow sound a.aleep,
Drowo~ed with the fume of poppit:~, while thy hook
Spnrea th6 next swath and all ita twinM flqwe~i
.And sometimes like a gleaner thou dO:Jt keep
Steady thy laden head acr088 a brook;
Or by a eider-press, with patient look,
Thou watcbest the lAst oozings, houn ~.Y hours.
Where are the songs o!Spnng 1 Ay, where are they t
'{'hiok not of theru, thou hast thy music too,
While barr'd clouds bloom the aoftly-dyio~ day,
And touch the atubble-pl.aiLs ,.,.ith roay hu•;
'Iheu in a wailful choir thll am:lll gnats mou~
Among the river sallows, borne aloa
Or eiokiug as the ligbt wind livee or diee;
And full grown lambs Joud bleat from hilly: botlltt;
BeJge·crieketa sing; anll now with trehle sol\,.
'l'be red-breast whistles from a garden-ca·oft, ·
And ~thering swallows twitter in the skies.