A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

OaronB ekiee are miaty, cool &Dd gJ'I'Y,
The stubble& emptied of their latest abeaf,
The meadow of it. mound• ; a noble grief
H.u beautified the wooda in their decay ;
How many colours on the falling leaf
Encurto.ining onr aolemn bills to~ay,
Whoee afternoon ia huab'd n.nd wintry brier.
Only a robin eloga from euy spray,
And Night aendl up her pAle cold moon, and epille
White millt around the hollows of the ·billa.
Phantoms or firth or lake ; the peuant aeea
His cot &Dd atackya.rd, with the homestead trees,
In-ialauded ; but no vni o terr(lr thrill•
Ria perfect harveeting ; he eleepe at eue.

~ lnintct Jig~t.

How beautiful t.bie night! the balmiest eigh,
Which vernal zephyrs breathe io evening'• eAr,
Were discord to the apeaking quietude
That wrap.'! this moveleBB aceue. Heaven's ebon vault,
Studded with atara unutterably bright,
Seems like a csnopy which love baa spread
To curtain her sleeping world. Yon gentle hills,
R obed in a garment of untTodden anow;
Yon darksome rocks, whence ieiclea depend,-
So etllinleee, that tbeJr white and glittering epiree
Tinge uot the moon'a pure beam; yon CllBtled steep,
Wl.aoee biWner bangeth o'er the time-worn tower
So idly, that rapt {R.UCJ deemeth it
A metaphor of peAce ; all rorm t. scene
Where muaing solitude might love to lit\
Her aoul above thie sphere of earth lineae;
Wbere eilenoe, uudiaLurb'd, might watch alone,
So cold, eo bright, ao atill

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