l'OI:If8 OJ' JrA'rVJUE,
And eome, as on tE'l!der wingv tbl'y glide ,
From their chilly birtb~louti, dim a11d gray,
Are join'J in their fall, llnrlaitle by aide
Come clinging a long their u"atea~ly wny:
Ae friend with frien•l, o r husband with wit;J,
:Makes hand in hHnd the pMsnge of life,
Each n1:tted fluke.
Boon a inks in tbe dark but silent Jntro.
71 ·
Lo I while we are ,gazing, in 11wifter hiUite
Stram down 'th·~ l!Dowa till the air ia white ;
AlA myrinrla, by myriads. maeUy ehneed,
They ding them!Jel'vetl from their shadowy height.
The fair, frail crea1iurea of middle aky,
What apeed they make wit h the gro.ve eo nigh :
F1ako after i!ake,
To lie in the dark nnd eiltnt lake I
1 Me in thy gentle eyee a tear :
They turn to me in sorrowful thought;
Thon thinkeat of frit:n•la, the good nntl dear,
Who were for a timt~, and now are not;
Like thue fa.ir children of elou•l and frost,
That glisten a moment and then are lost 1
FlakE• after tlnlre
'AJI'loat in the dark aud ailent l11ke._
Yet look again, for the clou•la divi,Je:
A. gleam of blue on the w11ter liea;
.And far away on the mountain aide
A. sunbeam falls from lhe opening altiea.
But the hurrying hoet that fle w between
The cloud and the water no more ia aeen :
Flake' aftl'r flake
At reef. in the darlr.>ind ailent lake.
i:kc i~~~ 'Dlb ~dxr.
TBz warm sun ie fniliing, the bMnk wind ia wailing,
The bare bollghs nre sighing, the pale flowers nre dying,
And th•~ year
On the earth her dentb-bed 1 in a ahroud of lenvea dead,
.I.e lying.