A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
POI!lll! o.r lU.TUltlL


Du hnd nwaken'd all tbinga that be,
The lnrk, and the tbrn.sh, and the awallow free.
And the milkmaid's aong, and the mower'a acythe.
And the matin·beU, anrl the mountain bee:
Fire-Jiies were queueh'd on the dewy corn.
Glow-worms went out on the rivt:r'a brim;
Like lamps which a student forgets to trim:
The beetle forgot to wind hia horn
The c1·icbta were still in the meaJow and hill:
Like a Bock of rooks at. 11 farmer'a gun,
Nigbt.'a dreams 8lld terrors, every one,
Fled from the brains which are their prey,
From the lamp's death \0 the morning ray.


Sn, the day begins to break,
.And the light 11hoota like a streak
Of eublle fire; the wind blow& cold
While the morning doth unfold :
Now the birds b<!gin t.o rouee,
And the aquirrel from the bou~ha
Leaps. to get him outs and fru1t;
The early lark, that eret wu mute,
Carole in the 1ising day
Ma.oy a note and many a lay.


BuuvoNT and FL&Tcu:za.o.


SEE, love! what envioua etrealca
Do lace the severing elouda in yonder euat l
Night's canc!Jea are burnt ont,-and jocund day
St.an.da tiptoe on the miaty moWltain topl I

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