WHAT eonl waa his, wh~n, from the naked top
or some boltl hea.Jl&n•l, be beheld th~ eon
Riee up anol bathe the wotl•l in light 1 He look.'J-
Ocefto aut! earlb , the solirl fBme of earth,
An•l ooe!ln's liquid mast~, beneath him lay
In glAdnesa and tleep joy. The cloDll!l were touch'tl,
A 111l in tht>ir silent faces could he reacl
Unutterable love. Souuu neerled uone, ·
Nor any voice or joy; his 11pirit drank
The spect.'\ch~; sensation, soul, aod form,
All melted into him; they ewallow'clop
Bie aoimal beiug; in them clid he live,
And by them Jia be lh•e ; tl11l)' W"eTe his lite.
In 11oeh access of minrl, iu euch high hour
or vieitfttion, from the living God,
Thoug't!t waa not; in enjoymeut. it expired.
No thauk11 he breathetl, he preferr'd no request;
RApt into atiJI communion that transcends
The imperfer.t offices of prnyer and pr:~ise,
His mind waa a thoksgiviog to the power
That made him! it wa3 bleuednesa Ancl Jo,•e I
IN 'custom'd glory bright, that morn the eon
Roee, viaitiog the ear th with light, and heat,
And joy; and aeem'd as full of youth, anoll!trong
To mount the ateeJl of heaven, ua wbl'n the st.ara
Of morniug snng to hi~ firat Jnwn, anol nighe
Fled from ftill face; the apncioue sky received
Bim, blnshing :.s n ltriole when on he r looks
The bridegrooro ; nnrl, apretui out beneath his eyt>,
EArth swile<i. Up to his warru emboce lite dews,
That "11 night )l'lng h:\rl wept hia absence, flew;
Tbe herbs no1l flowers theit• frngnnt stores unlock'1l,
And gave the wanton brc~ze that 1 b.ewly woke,
Ruell'd in lnl'eeta, nnci from ill Wt Df:ll ehook heD.ltb
~ tboueand grateful amelia ; the joyo011 wood •