A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
Dried in his beams tbeir locka, wet with the drops
Of night; and all the ao&a of ruWJic eung
Their matin aong-from srl•our'd bowt>r the thrush
Concerting with the l:~rk that hymn'd ou high.
·on the green biU the ftoeka, anti iu the vale
The h~rde, rejoiced ; aut!, li&bt of heart, the binll
Eyed amorously the milkma1d &s ahe pua'd,
Not beedleee, though abe look'd another wRy.


Wum'n Morning's come; and now, upon the plains
And dietant mountains, where they feed their Bock!!,
The happy•hepherds leave tbtir Lomely but&,
And w1th their pipes proclnim the new-born day.
The l~t.y awain comea with his weU·fill\1 acri.p
Of healthful viande, which, whe n hunKer call.$ 1
With much content Ami 11ppetite be eats,
l'o follow in the field hi a dt\ily toil,
.And dress the grnteful glebe tb:1t yields him fruita.
The beaeta, t.be.t under the wnrru hedges slept,
And weather\! out the cold blel\k night, are np•;
And, looking towMds the ueilJhl•ouriug pnsturee, rai11e
Their voice, and bid thch· ft!llow·brutes good-morro\v,
Tbe ~heerful bird a, too, on the tops of trees,
Aasemble all .iu choira; and with their notes
Sahit.e and weleome up the r.i8ill& aun.

]ntl.obiu ol lfiorn'ing,

:Btrr who the melodies of Morn ean tell1
The wild brook babbling do"''D the n1ountain side;
The lowing ht>rd; the aheepfohl'• simple Lell ;
The pipe of early t~hepherrl, di m descried
In the lone vnlley; echoillg far aud wide
The clamorous horn along the clifte o.bove;
The hollow munnur of the ocenn·tide;
The hum of bees, the linnet's ll\y of love,
And t.he full choir t.hat wakes the universal grove.

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