A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

I I LOVE thee, Twilight! as thy shadowa rotJ,
The calm of evening atea.la upon my aonl,
Sublimely tender, solemnly 11erene,
Still a.e the hour, enchanting a.e the scene,
I )ove thee, Twilight I for thy gleama impart
Their de11r 1 their dying influence to my heart,
Wbeu o'er the b11.rp of thought lhJ. pMiillg wind
.A wakellB all tbe mu;~ic of the mind,
And joy aud sorrow, aa the spirit burna,
.And hope and memory a weep the cbort.!s b~ turns,
While coutempl.•tion, on aer&phic winga,
Mounts with the thwe of eacrifice, and sing~~.
Twilight! I loYe thee ; let thy glooms incre43e 1
Till every f~eling, ev~ry pul11e 1 ia pea.oe.
Slow from the airy the light or day declines,
Clearer within, the d:twn of glory ehines,
:Revealing, in the huur of Nature's rest,
A world of woo.tlers in the poet'• brenst;
D eeper, 0 Twilight! t hen t hy shadows rolt,-
An awful viaion open• on my soul

IT is the hour wben from the bougha
Tbe uigbtingale'a high note ia beard ;
It ia the hour wbeo Ioven' voWll
Seem aweet in every wl1iaper'd wot'd;
And geutle winds~~ond wnten uear,
M:tke music to the lonely e&r.
uch fiowrr the ,l .. wa have lighUy wet,
And in the 11ky the l!t.'lr& are met,
ADd on the wnve ia deeper blue,
And on the leAf a browDer hue,
And in the heaven that clear obeenre,
So aoftly dnxk, nnd dArkly pure,
Wbieh followe the rleeliue of day,
AA twilight welta be.neath the moon away.

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