A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


Boolf will the moon and all her atAn be here ;
A. smiling light procl&ime her o'u yon hill ;
Slo"IY abe raieee ap her radiant aphen,
.And etillaea at her emile becomes more etilL
My heart (orgeta all thoaftbt of human ill,
And mnn setme ha~py AS h111 place of birth ;
All tbingJ that YJehl him joy my spirit till
With kindred joy! and nen h.iat humblest mirth
Seeme at thia peaceful hour to beautify the earth.

qc Baaing Jl'ocm.

-A-'I"D like a dying lady, lean and pale,
Who totters forlh 1 wrapt. in a gaudy nil,
Out of her chamber, led by the ineane
And feeble wanderings of her faded brain,
The moon aroee upon the murky earth,
A. white and ahapeleea maaa. SBELL~rr.

~o t~t lfo011'.
0 MooJJ I old boughs liap forth a h olier din
Tbe while they feel thine airy feUo.,ehip.
Thou doat bleea everywhere, with eil•er lip
Kiaaing dead things to life. The lleeping kine,
Coach'd in thy brightneea, dream offielo.la divine:
Innumerable mollDtains rise, anrl riae
.Ambitions for the hallowing of thine eyes;
And yet thy benediction passetb not
One obscore hiding-place, one little apot
Where pleasare tDA'f be sent: the neat.ed wren
BAS thy fair face Within ita tranquil ken,
.And from beneath a sheltering ivy leaf
Takes glimpeea oftbee; thou art a relief
To the poor patient oyster, where it eleepe
Within ita pearly boose :-The mighty deeps,
The moru~trooa sea, i11 thine-the myriad fleA!
0 Moon! far apoomiog Ocean bo"• to thee,
And TeiJoa feele her forehead'• cumbrous load
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