A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


To Moon &hines white and silent
On the mia~ whieh, like a tide
or some enchanted ocean,
O'er the wide marsh doth glide,
Spreading its ghost-like billows
Silently far and wide.

A vague and etarry magic
Maltes all things mysteries,
And lures the earth's dumb apirl~
Up to the longipg skies,-
! seem to hear dim whispers,
And t.Temuloua repliea.

The tire-tliea o'er the meadow
In pulses co.me and go ;
The elm-trees' heavy shadow
W e~be on the grasa below ;
And fawtly from the dilltaJlee
The dreaming cock doth crow.

All things look strange and mystic,
The very bushes ewell,
And take wild ebape9 and motions,
As if beneath a lipell,-
Tbey seem not the eame lilacs
From childhood known 80 welL

The snow of deepest silence
O'er every thing doth fall,
So beautiful and quiet,
And yet 80 like a pall -
As if all life were ended,
And rest were come to aJ.l.

0, wild and wondrous midnight,
Tbne i.a a might in thee
To make the cbarmM body
Almost like spirit be,
And ~ve it some faint glimpses
Of IDlJllOrtality.

, -

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