ll.tmnra of tbe ~maginaHO'If.
0 BLI'.BT of heaven l whom not the languid aongt
Of luxury, the siren I uot the bribee.
Of sordid wealth, nor all the gaudy epoila
Of pageaut honour, can aeduce to leave
Thoae ever blooming sweets, which from the store
or Nature fair imagination culls
To charm the eoliven'd soul! What I though not all
or mortal oft'epring ean attain the heightl
or en• ied life; though only few poaseu
Patrician treaaares or imperial s tate 1
Yet N ature'a care, to all her children just,
With richer treiLIIares and an ampler state,
Endows llt large whatever happy man
Will deign to Dlle t hem. Hie the city'e pomp,
The r11ra.l honoara hie. Whate'er adorns
The princely dome, the column and the arch,
The breathing marbles and the Bclllptared gold,
Beyond tho proud p01!86B8or'e narrow olaim 1
His tuneful breiUit enjoys. For him the spring
Dietils bar de,va, and from the silken gem
Ita lucid leavea unfolds: for him the h:md.
Or r.utYmn tingee every fertile branch
With blooming gold and bhlBhee like the morn.
Each pusing h our aheda tribute from her wingt i