The Modern Interior

(Wang) #1
8 Ibid.
9 Rice, The Emergence of the Interior, pp. 37 – 54.
10 See K. Livingstone and L. Parry, International Arts and Crafts (London, 2005 ).
11 N. J. Troy, Modernism and the Decorative Arts in France: Art Nouveau to Le Corbusier(New
Haven, ct, and London, 1991 ), p. 116.
12 See Caroline Constant, Eileen Gray (London, 2000 ).
13 See Wiener Werkstätte 1903 – 1932 (Cologne, 1995 ).
14 Ibid., p. 58.
15 See C. Witt-Dörring, ed., Josef Hoffmann Interiors 1902 – 1913 (Munich, 2006 ).
16 Elsie de Wolfe, The House in Good Taste (New York, 1913 ), pp. 66 – 7.
17 L. L. Christensen, A Design for Living: Vienna in the Twenties (New York, 1987 ), p. 23.
18 H. H. Adler, The New Interior: Modern Decoration for the Modern Home (New York,
1916 ), p. i.
19 Ibid.
20 Ibid. An interior designed by Paul Zimmerman was captioned, for example, ‘a Dining-room
fulfilling the decorative principles of beauty, utility and color’. Others were decorated by the
Ascherman Studio.
21 L. O. Duncan, ‘The Belle of Yesterday’, The Store of Greater New York (August 1939 ),
referred to in C. F. Peatross, Winold Reiss: A Pioneer of Modern American Design, (accessed 10 August 2007 ).
22 N. Stritzler-Levine, ‘Three Visions of the Modern Home: Josef Frank, Le Corbusier and
Alvar Aalto’ in Josef Frank: Architect and Designer (New Haven, ct,and London, 1996 ), p. 24.
23 Stritzler-Levine, ‘Three Visions of the Modern Home’, p. 119.
24 Ibid., p. 22.
25 ‘European Influences in Modern Interior Decoration’, in International Studio,lv i/ 224 ( 1915 ),
p. 83.
26 K. M. Kahle, Modern French Decoration (New York and London, 1930 ), p. 35.
27 See D. Silverman, Art Nouveau in Fin-de-Siècle France: Politics, Psychology and Style
(Los Angeles, ca, 1989 ).
28 E. Genauer, Modern Interiors Today and Tomorrow (New York, 1939 ), p. 11 , and Todd and
Mortimer, The New Interior Decoration, p. 22.
29 C. Benton, T. Benton and G. Wood, Art Deco 1910 – 1939 (London, 2003 ).
30 See M. F. Friedman, Selling Good Design: Promoting the Modern Interior (New York, 2005 ).
31 See A. Massey, Hollywood Beyond the Screen: Design and Material Culture(Oxford and New
Yo r k , 2000 ).
32 The Home of Today: Its Choice, Planning, Equipment and Organisation (London, undated),
pp. 194 , 195.
33 W. Fales, What’s New in Home Decorating? (New York, 1936 ), p. 152.
34 Todd and Mortimer, The New Interior Decoration.
35 Genauer, Modern Interiors Today and Tomorrow, p. 22.
36 Todd and Mortimer, The New Interior Decoration, p. 2.
37 J. Sharples, Merchant Palaces: Liverpool and Wirral Mansions (Liverpool, 2007 ), p. 6.
38 C. Wheeler, ‘Interior Design as a Profession for Women’, in Outlook ( 6 April 1896 ),
pp. 559 – 60 and ( 20 April 1895 ), p. 649.
39 See P. Kirkham and Penny Sparke, ‘A Woman’s Place...?’ in Women Designers in the usa,
1900 – 2000 (New Haven, ct, and London, 2000 ), p. 307.
40 Penny Sparke, Elsie de Wolfe: The Birth of Modern Decoration (New York, 2005 ).
220 41 Edith Wharton and Ogden Codman, Jr, The Decoration of Houses (New York, 1897 ).

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