The Modern Interior

(Wang) #1
16 Coleman, Danze and Henderson, Architecture and Feminism.
17 Ibid., p. 232.
18 Ibid., p. 235.
19 Ibid.
20 Quoted in N. Bullock, ‘First the Kitchen – Then the Façade’, in Journal of Design History, i/ 3
and 4 (Oxford, 1988 ), p. 187.
21 H. Heynen, Architecture and Modernity: A Critique (Cambridge, maand London, 1999 ), p. 47.
22 See M. Campbell, ‘What Tuberculosis did for Modernism: The Influence of a Curative
Environment on Modernist Architecture and Design’, in Medica History,xlix/ 4 ; ( 1 October
2005 ), pp. 463 – 88 (online at http:/
= 1251640.
23 Ibid., p. 2.
24 Ibid., p. 3.
25 See A. A. Fou, Paimio Tuberculosis Sanatorium, City of Turku 700 th Anniversary Exhibition
(London and New York, 1994 ).
26 For more information on London’s eighteenth-century coffee houses see J. and L. Pelzer, ‘The
Coffee Houses of Augustan London’, in History Today,xxxii( 9 October 1982 ), pp. 40 – 47.
27 206 (accessed 8 February 2008 ).

Chapter Eight: The Mass-produced Interior

1 Stig Lindegren, ‘A Swedish Housing Investigation’, in Ten Lectures on Swedish Architecture
(Stockholm, 1949 ), p. 81.
2 See J. Giles, ‘Introduction’ to The Parlour and the Suburb: Domestic Identities, Class,
Femininity and Modernity (Oxford and New York, 2004 ).
3 Lindegren, ‘A Swedish Housing Investigation’, p. 82.
4 Jean Baudrillard, The System of Objects, trans. J. Benedict (London and New York, 1996 ), p. 19.
5 For the feminist writer, Henderson, this incursion of the public sphere into the private
space of the home simply replaced one form of patriarchy with another, that of the
family with that of industry and government. See S. R. Henderson, ‘A Revolution in
the Woman’s Sphere: Grete Lihotzky and the Frankfurt Kitchen’, in Architecture and
Feminism, ed. D. Coleman, E. Danze and C. Henderson (New York, 1996 ).
6 N. J. Troy, Modernism and the Decorative Arts in France: Art Nouveau to Le Corbusier
(New Haven, ctand London, 1991 ), p. 216.
7 Ibid., p. 220.
8 Ibid., pp. 222 – 4.
9 Le Corbusier, Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret, Oeuvres Completes, 1910 – 1929 (Zurich, 1964 ),
p. 104.
10 Tr o y, Modernism and the Decorative Arts in France, p. 224.
11 J. Stewart Johnson ‘Introduction’ to C. Wilk, ed., Marcel Breuer: Furniture and Interiors
(New York, 1981 ), p. 13.
12 Quoted in C. Wilk, Marcel Breuer: Furniture and Interiors(New York, 1981 ), p. 38.
13 See D. Todd and R. Mortimer, The New Interior Decoration: An Introduction to its Principles
and an International Survey of its Methods (London, 1929 ); H. Hoffmann, Modern Interiors
in Europe and America (London, 1930 ); H. Eckstein (intro), Die Schöne Wohnung: Beispeile
Neuzeitlicher Deutscher Wohnraumer (Munich, 1931 ); and P. T. Frankl, New Dimensions: the
Decorative Arts of Today in Words and Pictures (New York, 1928 ).
14 See I. B. Whyte, Bruno Taut and the Architecture of Activism (Cambridge, 1982 ). 223

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