The Modern Interior

(Wang) #1
(Munich, 2005 ) and from a visit to the Schindler House in July 2006.
18 See F. Baudot, J.M. Frank (New York, 1998 ), p. 11.

Chapter Ten: The Designed Interior

1 George Nelson and Henry Wright, Tomorrow’s House: A Complete Guide for the Home-
Builder (New York, 1945 ), p. 2.
2 R. Aloi, ed., L’Arredamento Moderno (Milan, 1955 ), p. 573.
3 Nelson and Wright, To m o r r o w ’s H o u s e, p. 43.
4 T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings, Goodbye, Mr. Chippendale (New York, 1944 ), p. 43.
5 D. Rowntree, Interior Design (Harmondsworth, 1964 ).
6 Ibid., p. 199.
7 Writing in The Art of Interior Design and Decoration (London, 1951 ), John H. Holmes
explained that he was conscious of the schism that was developing between these two
areas of activity. In his view decoration and design were interchangeable in what he called
‘great periods of design’, but there was, he believed, a danger, at times when their integra-
tion was not understood, that ‘the decorator may study expression... rather than the
purpose which is expressed’.
8 A. Drexler, Charles Eames: Furniture from the Design Collection (New York, 1973 ), p. 12.
9 Ibid., p. 38.
10 G. Koenig, Eames(Cologne, 2005 ), p. 70.
11 See P. Kirkham, Charles and Ray Eames: Designers of the Twentieth Century (Cambridge, ma,
and London, 1995 ), pp. 164–99.
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
14 See Koenig, Eames,p. 47.
15 Forme e colore dell’arredamento moderno (Milan, 1967 ).
16 See B. Tigerman, ‘“I am not a Decorator”: Florence Knoll, the Knoll Planning Unit and the
Making of the Modern Office’, in Journal of Design History, xx/ 1 ( 2007 ), pp. 61 – 74.
17 Ibid.
18 G. Nelson, ‘Problems of Design: Modern Decoration’, in Interiors(November 1949 ), p. 69.
19 Nelson and Wright, To m o r r o w ’s H o u s e, p. 23.
20 Mary Davis Gillies, All About Modern Decorating (New York and London, 1942 ).
21 Ibid.
22 D. Cooper, Inside Your Home (New York, Inc.), p. 73.
23 See V. Gregotti, Achille Castiglioni (Paris, 1985 ).
24 See I. Favata, Joe Colombo and Italian Design of the Sixties (Milan, 1988 ).
25 See R. Banham, ‘A Throw-away Aesthetic’, in Penny Sparke, ed., Design by Choice (London,
1981 ), pp. 90 – 93.
26 docomomoInternational defines itself as an ‘international working party for documenta-
tion and conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the modern movement’,
see: (accessed 8 February 2008 ).
27 Broadcast on 25 December 2004.
28 Broadcast on 8 August 2006.


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