The Modern Interior

(Wang) #1

visiting professors to the Centre, Alice Friedman and Pat Kirkham, and the numerous speakers
and delegates who have travelled from all over the globe – among them Bridget May, Pauline
Metcalf, Christopher Reed, Joel Sanders, Rebecca Strum, Nancy J. Troy and John Turpin from
the usa; John Potvin from Canada; Hilde Heynen from Belgium; Charles Rice from Australia;
and Mark Taylor and Julieanna Preston from New Zealand – have also been, and continue to be,
an inspiration to me.

Many of the doctoral students with whom I have worked at the Royal College of Art and at
Kingston University – Susie McKellar (my co-editor on Interior Design and Identity), Viviana
Narotzky, Nic Maffei, Quintin Colville, Maiko Tsutsumi, Fiona Fisher, Patricia Lara and Anthea
Winterburn among them – have also opened my eyes to new ways of thinking about the mod-
ern interior. Working as my research assistant, Fiona also acquired most of images for this book,
for which I owe her an enormous debt, while my pa, Maureen Hourigan, and members of
Kingston University’s Learning Resource Centre and its Media Department, have been enormously
supportive throughout the process. My sincere thanks go to them all.

In making it possible for me to reproduce the images that I have included I would like to thank
Lynne Bryant at Arcaid; Paul-Etienne Kisters at the Archives et Musée de la Littérature, c/o
Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels; Eike Zimme/Eva Farnberger at the Austrian National Library;
Annette Handrich at the basfCorporate Archives and Projects; Sabine Hartmann at the Bauhaus
Archiv; Marcel van de Graaf at Beeldrecht; Laure Lefrancois at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris;
Ruth Jansen at the Brooklyn Museum; Patricia M. Virgil at the Buffalo and Erie County Historical
Society; Edgar van Riessen/Cecile Ogink at the Centraal Museum, Utrecht; Jason Birch at the City
of London Libraries and Guildhall Art Gallery; Coi Gehrig at the Denver Public Library; Jessica
Casey/Christian Zimmerman at the Design and Artists Copyright Society; Alyson Rogers at
English Heritage, National Monuments Record; Whitney French at the Farnsworth House;
Isabelle Godineau at the Fondation Le Corbusier; Ben Blake at the Hagley Museum and Library;
Franziska Wachter at imagno; Howard Doble at the London Metropolitan Archives; Tracy
Hartley/Jane Parr at Manchester City Council; Katja Leiskau at the Marburg Picture Archive; Mark
Vivian at the Mary Evans Picture Library; Laura Whitton at the ribaLibrary Photographs
Collection; Magdaleno Mayo at the Science and Society Picture library; Mrs. K. Miskova at the
Netherlands Architecture Institute; Kristina Watson at the Royal Commission on the Ancient and
Historical Monuments of Scotland; Monique Comminges at the Roger Viollet Agency; Wendy
Hurlock Baker at the Smithsonian Institution, Archives of American Art; Christopher Coutlee at
the Toronto Public Library; Elke Handel at the University of Applied Art, Vienna; Bridget Gillies at
the University of East Anglia, and Amy Purcell at the University of Louisville, above all. I would
also like to thank the British Academy for providing funding to cover the acquisition of, and the
rights to reproduce, the images.

Finally I would like to thank Vivian Constantinopoulos at Reaktion Books for her help and imagi-
native suggestions for improvements to the text, and my husband, John, and three daughters –
Molly, Nancy and Celia – for their patience in putting up with my obsession with modern interiors,
and for the all too frequent detours that occurred during family holidays to visit many of them.

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