David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

“No we won’t” get a pony requires a
conversation, and the honesty and skill
to explain that what is possible is not
always what is right. “I’ll walk wealthy
parents through the scenario, and they
have no idea what to say,” Grubman
said. “I have to teach them: ‘Yes, I can
buy that for you. But I choose not to. It’s
not consistent with our values.’” But
then that, of course, requires that you
have a set of values, and know how to
articulate them, and know how to make
them plausible to your child—all of
which are really difficult things for
anyone to do, under any circumstances,
and especially if you have a Ferrari in

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