subject of much pride to be able to say
that, you know, ‘I’m a seven-year-old
girl, and I love bugs! And I want to study
them, and I read up on them all the time,
and I draw them in my sketchbook and
label all the different parts of them and
talk about where they live and what they
do.’ Later it was ‘I am so interested in
people and how the human body works,
and isn’t this amazing?’ There is
definitely a sort of pride that goes along
with ‘I am a science girl,’ and it’s
almost shameful for me to leave that
behind and say, ‘Oh, well, I am going to
do something easier because I can’t take
the heat.’ For a while, that is the only
way I was looking at it, like I have
completely failed. This has been my goal
darren dugan
(Darren Dugan)