David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

Sander looks at is this. It is harder for a
minority student to become a lawyer if
he or she goes to a better school. That’s
clear. But what if that difficulty is offset
by the fact that a degree from a better
school is worth more? Not true, Sander
and Taylor argue. Getting great grades at
a good school is about the same—and
maybe even better—than getting good
grades at a great school. They write:
A student who went to thirtieth-
ranked Fordham and ended up in the
top fifth of her class had jobs and
earnings very similar to a student
who went to fifth-ranked, much more
competitive Columbia and earned
grades that put her slightly below the

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