someone with a reading disorder;
somewhere along the way, the links
between those four steps start to break
down. Ask a four-year-old: Can you say
the word “banana” without the buh? Or
say, Listen to the following three sounds:
cuh, ah, and tuh. Can you combine them
into “cat”? Or take “cat,” “hat,” and
“dark.” Which one of those words
doesn’t rhyme? Easy questions for most
four-year-olds. Really hard questions for
dyslexics. Many people used to think
that what defines dyslexics is that they
get words backwards—“cat” would be
“tac,” or something like that—making it
sound like dyslexia is a problem in the
way the words are seen. But it is much
more profound than that. Dyslexia is a
darren dugan
(Darren Dugan)