David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

Many of his schoolmates quit school to
work on the farm the first chance they
got. Boies read comic books, which
were easy to follow and had lots of
pictures. He never read for fun. Even
today, he might read one book a year, if
that. He watches television—anything,
he says with a laugh, “that moves and is
in color.” His speaking vocabulary is
limited. He uses small words and short
sentences. Sometimes if he’s reading
something out loud and runs into a word
he doesn’t know, he will stop and spell
it out slowly. “My wife gave me an iPad
a year and a half ago, which was my first
computer-like device, and one of the
things that was interesting is that my
attempt to spell many words is not close

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