David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

Because we’re so accustomed to the
downside. It doesn’t faze us. I’ve thought
about it many times, I really have,
because it defined who I am. I wouldn’t
be where I am today without my
dyslexia. I never would have taken that
first chance.”
Dyslexia—in the best of cases—
forces you to develop skills that might
otherwise have lain dormant. It also
forces you to do things that you might
otherwise never have considered, like
doing your own version of Kamprad’s
disagreeable trip to Poland or hopping
in the cab of someone you’ve never met
and pretending to be someone you aren’t.
Kamprad, in case you are wondering, is
dyslexic. And Gary Cohn? It turns out he

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