David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

convenience. He couldn’t take care of
his son by himself, and she didn’t have
anybody. He was a really bitter,
shriveled guy. So they got married and
my mother left the sweatshop and
appeared back on the scene, and they
couldn’t afford the maid anymore. So
they fired her. They fired my mother. I
never forgave my mother for that.”
The family moved from one apartment
to another. They had protein one day a
week. Freireich remembers being sent
from store to store looking for a bottle of
milk for four cents, because the normal
price of five cents was more than the
family could afford. He spent his days
on the street. He stole. He wasn’t close

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