David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

raised him. What was her name? He
stopped short—a rare pause for him. “I
don’t know,” he said. “It will pop into
my head, I’m sure.” He sat still for a
moment and concentrated. “My sister
would remember, my mother would
remember. But they are no longer alive. I
have no living relatives—just two
cousins.” He paused again. “I want to
call her Mary. And that may actually be
her name. But my mother’s name was
Mary. So I may be confusing it...”
Freireich was eighty-four years old
when we talked. But it would be a
mistake to call this an age-related
memory lapse. Jay Freireich does not
have memory lapses. I interviewed him
for the first time one spring and then

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