David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

Hospital in Chicago. One of his former
coworkers remembers Freireich coming
across a routine error made by one of his
medical residents. A minor laboratory
finding had been overlooked. “The
patient died,” the doctor said. “It wasn’t
because of the error. Jay screamed at
him right there in the ward, in front of
five or six doctors and nurses. He called
him a murderer, and the guy broke down
and cried.” Almost everything said about
Freireich by his friends contains a “but.”
I love him, but we nearly came to
blows. I invited him to my house, but he
insulted my wife. “Freireich remains to
this day one of my closest friends,” said
Evan Hersh, an oncologist who worked

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