David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

with Freireich at the beginning of his
career. “We take him to our weddings
and bar mitzvahs. I love him like he is a
father. But he was a tiger in those days.
We had several terrible run-ins. There
were times I wouldn’t speak to him for
Is it at all surprising that Freireich
would be this way? The reason most of
us do not scream “Murderer!” at our
coworkers is that we can put ourselves
in their shoes; we can imagine what
someone else is feeling and create that
feeling in ourselves. We can take that
route because we have been supported
and comforted and understood in our
suffering. That support gives us a model
of how to feel for others: it is the basis

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