David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

The only problem was that the cancer
wasn’t gone. A handful of malignant
cells was still lurking. One bout of
chemotherapy wouldn’t be enough, they
realized. So they started up another
round. Would the disease return? It did.
They needed to try again. “We gave them
three treatments,” Freireich said.
“Twelve of the thirteen relapsed. So I
decided, there’s only one way to do this.
We are going to continue treating them
every month—for a year.”^9
“If people thought I was crazy before,
now they thought I was completely
crazy,” Freireich went on. “These were
children who seemed completely
normal, in complete remission, walking

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