David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

organization led by King, was Wyatt
Walker. Walker was on the ground in
Birmingham from the beginning,
marshaling King’s meager army against
the forces of racism and reaction. King
and Walker were under no illusions that
they could fight racism the conventional
way. They could not defeat Bull Connor
at the polls, or in the streets, or in the
court of law. They could not match him
strength for strength. What they could do,
though, was play Brer Rabbit and try to
get Connor to throw them in the briar
“Wyatt,” King said, “you’ve got to
find the means to create a crisis, to make
Bull Connor tip his hand.” That is
exactly what Walker did. And the crisis

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