David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

Later, Walker would embrace
nonviolence. But he always gave the
sense that turning the other cheek wasn’t
something that came naturally.
“At times I would accommodate or
alter my morality for the sake of getting a
job done because I was the guy having to
deal with the results,” he said once. “I
did it consciously; I had no choice. I
wasn’t dealing with a moral situation
when I dealt with a Bull Connor.”
Walker loved to play tricks on Connor.
“I have come to Birmingham to ride the
Bull,” he announced, eyes twinkling,
upon his arrival. He might put on a
Southern drawl, and call in some
imaginary complaint to the local police
about “niggers” headed somewhere in a

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