David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

protest, sending them off on a wild
goose chase. Or he might lead a march
that wasn’t a march, one that went
around and around, through office
lobbies and down alleyways, until the
police were tearing out their hair. “Oh,
man, it was a great time to be alive,” he
said, recalling the antics he got up to in
Birmingham. Walker knew better than to
tell King all that he was doing. King
would disapprove. Walker kept his
mischief to himself.
“I think Negroes like myself have
developed almost a mental catalog of the
tone of voices of how a white face
speaks to them,” Walker told the poet
Robert Penn Warren in a long interview

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