David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

over [it] because Dr. King asked me
if it was bad news. I said, “No, it’s
not bad news, Dr. King. It just so
happens this is my twelfth weddin’
anniversary, and my wife has sent me
a telegram.” And he says—I never
will forget this and this shows the
understandin’ which we had—he
said, “You mean this is your
anniversary?” And I said, “That’s
right,” and I said, “I haven’t been
home in at least three weeks.” And he
said, “Well, Chief Pritchett, you go
home tonight, no, right now. You
celebrate your anniversary. I give you
my word that nothing will happen in
Albany, Georgia, till tomorrow, and
you can go, take your wife out to

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