David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

commuted back and forth between
Birmingham and his home base in
Atlanta. “Wyatt,” King told him for the
hundredth time, “you’ve got to find some
way to make Bull Connor tip his hand.”
Walker shook his head. “Mr. Leader, I
haven’t found the key yet, but I’m going
to find it.”
The breakthrough came on Palm
Sunday. Walker had twenty-two
protesters ready to go. The march would
be led by King’s brother, Alfred Daniel,
known as A.D. “Our mass meeting was
slow getting together,” Walker recalled.
“We were supposed to march at
something like two-thirty, and we didn’t
march until about four. In that time,
people, being aware of the

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