David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

Connor was an arrogant man who
liked to swagger around Birmingham
saying, “Down here we make our own
law.” He sat drinking his bourbon every
morning at the Molton Hotel, loudly
predicting that King would “run out of
niggers.” Now he looked out the
window and saw Terrapin ahead of him
at every turn. He was in shock. Those
imaginary one thousand protesters were
a provocation. “Bull Connor had
something in his mind about not letting
these niggers get to city hall,” Walker
said. “I prayed that he’d keep trying to
stop us....Birmingham would have been
lost if Bull had let us go down to the city
hall and pray. If he had let us do that and

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