David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

schools around the county: “Come to
16th Street Baptist Church at noon on
Thursday. Don’t ask permission.” The
city’s most popular black disc jockey—
Shelley “the Playboy” Stewart—sent out
the same message to his young listeners:
“Kids, there’s gonna be a party at the
park.”^8 The FBI got wind of the plan and
told Bull Connor, who announced that
any child who skipped school would be
expelled. It made no difference. The kids
came in droves. Walker called the day
the children arrived “D Day.”
At one o’clock, the doors to the
church opened, and King’s lieutenants
began sending the children out. They
held signs saying “Freedom” or “I’ll Die

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