David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

demonstrations grew so large that they
overwhelmed the Birmingham police,
Connor would be sorely tempted to turn
on the hoses. He wanted Connor to turn
on the hoses. “It was hot in
Birmingham,” he explained. “I told
[Bevel] to let the pep rally go on a while
and let these firemen sit out there and
bake in the sun until their tempers were
like hair triggers.”
And the dogs? Connor had been
itching to use the city’s K-9 Corps.
Earlier that spring, in a speech, Connor
had vowed to combat the civil right
protesters with one hundred German
shepherd police dogs. “I want ’em to see
the dogs work,” Connor growled, as
things began to get out of control in

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