David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

fire chief: “Turn ’em on, or go home.”
The firemen turned on their “monitor
guns,” valves that turned the spray of
their hoses into a high-pressure torrent.
The children clung to one another and
were sent sprawling backwards. The
force of the water ripped some of the
marchers’ shirts from their bodies and
flung others against walls and doorways.
Back at the church, Walker began
deploying waves of children to the other
end of the park to open another front.
Connor had no more fire trucks. But he
was determined that none of the
marchers cross over into “white”
Birmingham. “Bring the dogs,” Connor
ordered, calling in eight K-9 units. “Why
did you bring old Tiger out?” Connor

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