David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

the taxi, pretending he knew about
options trading, and it is remarkable
how many successful dyslexics have had
a similar moment in their careers. Brian
Grazer, the Hollywood producer, got a
three-month internship after college as a
clerk in the business affairs department
at the Warner Bros. studio. He pushed a
cart around. “I was in a big office with
two union secretaries,” he remembers.
“My boss had worked for Jack Warner.
He was putting in his last hours. He was
a great guy. There was this great office
there, and I said to him, ‘Can I have it?’
The office was bigger than my office
today. He said, ‘Sure. Use it.’ It became
the Brian Grazer business. I could do my

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