David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

They bluffed their way into professions
that would have been closed to them.
The man in the cab assumed that no one
would be so audacious as to say he
knew how to trade options if he didn’t.
And it never occurred to the people
Brian Grazer called that when he said he
was Brian Grazer from Warner
Brothers, what he meant was that he was
Brian Grazer who pushed the mail cart
around at Warner Brothers. What they
did is not “right,” just as it is not “right”
to send children up against police dogs.
But we need to remember that our
definition of what is right is, as often as
not, simply the way that people in
positions of privilege close the door on

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