David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

those on the outside. David has nothing
to lose, and because he has nothing to
lose, he has the freedom to thumb his
nose at the rules set by others. That’s
how people with brains a little bit
different from the rest of ours get jobs as
options traders and Hollywood
producers—and a small band of
protesters armed with nothing but their
wits have a chance against the likes of
Bull Connor.
“I still t’ink Ise de fas’est runner in de
worl’,” the bewildered Deer complains
after a race in which Terrapin has done
something that would get him banished
from every competition in the world.
“Maybe you air,” Terrapin responds,
“but I kin head ou off wid sense.”

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