David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

years old. He wasn’t a marcher. He was
a spectator. He came from a
conservative black family that owned
two newspapers in Birmingham and
Atlanta that had been sharply critical of
King. Gadsden had taken off school that
afternoon to watch the spectacle
unfolding around Kelly Ingram Park.
The officer in the picture is Dick
Middleton. He was a modest and
reserved man. “The K-9 Corps,”
McWhorter writes, “was known for
attracting straight arrows who wanted
none of the scams and payoffs that often
came with a regular beat. Nor were the
dog handlers known for being race
ideologues.” The dog’s name is Leo.
Now look at the faces of the black

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