David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

school papers was a five-year plan for a
Soviet-type economy in the United
States, and he dreamed of carrying out
technically ingenious assassinations
against leading segregationists.”
5 Walker continued: “We were just
going to give ourselves up to the mob
and felt that would appease them. Let
them beat us to death, I guess.”
6 Pritchett actually came to
Birmingham and warned Bull Connor
about King and Walker. He wanted to
teach Connor how to handle the civil
rights tricksters. But Connor wasn’t
inclined to listen. “I never will forget,
when we entered his office,” Pritchett
remembers, “his back was to us...some
big executive chair, you know, and when

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