David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

in Northern Ireland. Every day, they
grew more frightened.
“I’d come home at night,” Lawlor
said, “and there would be writing on the
door: ‘Taigs out.’ ‘Taigs’ is a
derogatory word for an Irish Catholic.
Or ‘No Pope here.’ Another night we
were there, we were very lucky. A bomb
came into the backyard and didn’t
explode. One day I went to knock on my
neighbor’s door, and I realized that she
was gone. I found out that day that a lot
of people had gone. So when my
husband, Terry, came home from work, I
said, ‘Terry, what’s going on here?’ And
he said, ‘We’re in danger.’
“We left the home that night. We had
no phone. You remember, this is in the

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