David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

days before mobiles. We walked out.
The fear was in me. I put my son in his
pram. I gathered up best we could pieces
of clothes for him and ourselves. There
was a tray at the bottom of the pram, and
we stuffed them all in the tray. And
Terry says to me, ‘Right, Rosie, we’re
just going to walk straight out of here
and we’re gonna smile at everybody.’ I
was trembling. I was a teenage mum, a
teenage girl who got married, nineteen,
married, new baby, new world, new
life. Taken away from me like that.
D’you know? And I have no power to
stop it. Fear is an awful thing, and I
remember being really, really scared.”
The safest place they knew was the

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