David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

all-Catholic neighborhood of
Ballymurphy, in West Belfast, where
Lawlor’s parents lived. But they had no
car, and with Belfast in turmoil, no taxi
wanted to venture into a Catholic
neighborhood. Finally they tricked a cab
into stopping by saying their baby was
sick and needed to get to a hospital.
They shut the car door and Terry told the
driver, “I want you to take us to
Ballymurphy.” The driver said, “Oh, no,
I’m not doing that.” But Terry had a
poker, and he took it out, and he placed
the point against the back of the driver’s
neck and said, “You’re going to take us.”
The cabdriver drove them to the edge of
Ballymurphy and stopped. “I don’t care
if you stick that in me,” he said. “I’m not

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