David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

coming around with two lids of pots, and
she was banging them together and she
was shouting, ‘Come on, come out, come
out. The people in the Lower Falls are
getting murdered.’ She was shouting it
up. And I went out to the door. My
family was all there. And she was
shouting, ‘They’re locked in their
houses. Their children can’t get milk,
and they haven’t got anything for a cup of
tea, and there’s no bread, and come out,
come out, we need to do something!’”
The Lower Falls is an all-Catholic
neighborhood just down the hill from
Ballymurphy. Lawlor had gone to school
in the Lower Falls. Her uncle lived
there, as did countless cousins. She

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