David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

locked in their houses, and there’s
children. You have to remember, some
houses then had twelve, fifteen kids in
them. D’you know? That’s the way it
was. ‘What do you mean they can’t get
out of their houses?’” They were angry.
Rosemary Lawlor is now in her
sixties, a sturdily built woman with
ruddy cheeks and short, white-blond hair
swept to the side. She was a seamstress
by trade, and she was dressed with flair:
a bright floral blouse and white cropped
pants. She was talking about things that
had happened half a lifetime ago. But
she remembered every moment.
“My father said, ‘The Brits, they’ll
turn on us. They say they’re in here to

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