David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

entirely logical action, given the
pointlessness of what the teacher is
doing. The teacher addresses him,
sharply. “Sweetie. This is homework.”
It was a moment of discipline. The child
had broken the rules. The teacher had
responded, firmly and immediately. If
you were to watch that moment with the
sound turned off, you would think of it as
Leites and Wolf perfectly applied. But if
you were to listen to what the teacher
was saying and think about the incident
from the child’s perspective, it would
become clear that it is having anything
but its intended effect. The little boy
isn’t going to come away with a
renewed appreciation of the importance
of following the rules. He is going to

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