David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

comes in, and we say, ‘You were
stopped in the Bronx last night. You got
a summons.’ He says, ‘What?’ ‘You
were with Raymond Rivera and Mary
Jones.’ ‘How do you know that?’ They
started thinking we were all over the
place. Since we had developed a folder
on each kid, we’d show them what we
had on them. We’d say, ‘These are all
your buddies. Here’s all your
information. Here are your pictures. We
know you’re part of this development.
We know you might be a part of a crew.
We know your world.’ We started
learning about where they’re supposed
to go to school, who they’re hanging out
with at school. When they’re not in

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