David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

school, we get a call. So my J-RIP team
goes out and wakes them up and says,
‘Get up!’”
But this was only part of Jaffe’s
strategy. She also did things that don’t
sound like typical policing strategy. She
spent a lot of time, for example, finding
the right kind of officer to serve on the
task force. “I couldn’t put just any cop in
there,” she said, sounding more like a
social worker than a police chief. “I had
to have a cop that loves kids. I had to
have a cop that didn’t have an ounce of
negativity about them, and who had the
ability to help sway kids and push them
in the right direction.” To head the
group, she finally settled on David
Glassberg, a gregarious former narcotics

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