David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

want to buy a hundred and twenty-five
turkeys. Can I get money somewhere?’
He said yes. Glassberg put his men on
overtime. They found frozen turkeys and
refrigerated trucks, and that night went
door-to-door in the Brownsville
projects. We put them in a bag, and we
did a flyer: ‘From our family to your
family, Happy Thanksgiving.’”
Jaffe was sitting in her office at New
York police headquarters in downtown
Manhattan. She was in full uniform—tall
and formidable, with a head of thick
black hair and more than a hint of
Brooklyn in her voice.
“We’d knock,” she continued.
“Momma or Grandma would open the
door and say, ‘Johnnie, the police are

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