David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

here’—just like that. I’d say, ‘Hi, Mrs.
Smith, I’m Chief Jaffe. We have
something for you for Thanksgiving. We
just want to wish you a happy
Thanksgiving.’ And they’d be, ‘What is
this?’ And they’d say, ‘Come in, come
in,’ and they would drag you in, and the
apartments were so hot, I mean, and
then, ‘Johnnie, come here, the police are
here!’ And there’s all these people
running around, hugging and crying.
Every family—I did five—there was
hugging and crying. And I always said
the same thing: ‘I know sometimes you
can hate the police. I understand all that.
But I just want you to know, as much as
it seems that we’re harassing you by

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