David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

knocking on your door, we really do
care, and we really do want you to have
a happy Thanksgiving.’”
Now, why was Jaffe so obsessed with
meeting her J-RIPpers’ families?
Because she didn’t think the police in
Brownsville were perceived as
legitimate. Across the United States, an
astonishing number of black men have
spent some time in prison. (To give you
just one statistic, 69 percent of black
male high school dropouts born in the
late seventies have done time behind
bars.) Brownsville is a neighborhood
full of black male high school dropouts,
which means that virtually every one of
those juvenile delinquents on Jaffe’s list
would have had a brother or a father or a

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